
Markbook Themes

Markbook includes support for HTML/JS/CSS themes, using Handlebars as a template.

At this time, Markbook does not support user-chosen themes. We are working on it.


Every theme is expected to contain a file named index.hbs in the root directory.

Besides that, any assets (CSS, JS, favicons) in the theme directory will be copied to the destination.


The following variables are defined for every theme:

title Title of the book
description Book description
root Root directory. Used to calculate e.g. the path to /markbook.css if the filename is /cli/init.html
book_title Chapter title
toc.prefix Prefix links (each contains url and title)
toc.chapters Chapters (each contains url and title)
toc.suffix Suffix links (each contains url and title)
content HTML content

Some names may change before the next release.